There are a couple of things to consider.
The Driving Standards Agency makes no special provision for pregnant candidates.
This means that you must expect to be asked to complete the emergency stop excercise just like everyone else. Correct use of your seatbelt makes this 'safe' for a normal pregnancy. This excercise is performed in around a random 1/3 of tests. An examiner may waive this manoeuvre, using their own common sense, if they see you are heavily pregnant but you cannot count on an examiner with common sense. If you have been advised of an 'at risk' pregnancy do not assume that you can inform the examiner and they will be required to waive the manoeuvre. If your baby is 'at risk' you really shouldn't be doing the driving test anyway.
When carrying out your manoeuvres, effective observations are essential. As your baby grows, looking out of the back window may become more uncomfortable. Do your best.
Pregnancy Summary
If you are pregnant, my advice would be to try and get your driving lessons and test completed as quickly as possible before your baby gets well advanced.
For more general information on driving when pregnant click here.